Free Uniden 436 /536PT Digital Scanner CFA Vic File


Free Uniden 436 /536PT Digital Scanner CFA VIC File

This is the free file for the Uniden 436/536 PT Digital Scanners

This file contains all known CFA /FRV/DEWLP /Multi Agency Service Talk groups and Frequency’s

It does not include any other services this will be made available as a charged service soon ,

Out of stock

is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000 learn more

Free Uniden 436 /536PT Digital Scanner CFA VIC File

This is the free file for the Uniden 436/536 PT Digital Scanners

This file contains all known CFA /FRV/DEWLP /Multi Agency Service Talk groups and Frequency’s

It does not include any other services this will be made available as a charged service soon ,

This file is an optimised and improved on the original

the information has been taken from the original supplied file  user submissions internet research including use from several internet sites and forums as well as personal knowledge and use

there is no support offered with this file , this is a free to use file and feel free to pass it around

if you would like to provide an update or information please send me an email with the info and it will be added as time allows

please also feel free to provide respectful feedback of how this file operates in your area ,

please read the instruction sheet below for install instructions

please not no warranty support or promises are made with this file its used at your own risk

and its assumed by reading this you have enough knowledge to preform basic functions and operation of a pc ,


Please Read this First ——– 

1) File is a free download , should you wish for me to install it on a card and send it  there will be a charge !

2) Please read the instruction Sheet below !! Before doing anything with the file !!

 3) if you use your existing card and follow these instructions it will delete your existing card , its recommended to use a 2nd card or spare card  i wont be liable for damage to existing  configurations if you fail to do this 

4) if you do not follow these instructions it will not change your card or its settings ,  in any way , trying work arounds or hacks are not effective and not suggested 

5) no support at all is offered by downloading and installing this config its provided as a free service 

6) by using this card its assumed that you know how to operate a pc the scanner and preform basic computer tasks if not please don’t try this

7) Do Not pay for this file its free and provided free , !! i have remove the pay option due to people trying to pay for it , use the down load link below

8) any feed back _not request for support can be emailed  , and will be added as time allows


please feel free to use the down load link here , the zip file is stored on my dropbox due to the size

install instructions are found here

Uniden 436PT or 536PT CFA Ony file install instructions

general operation instructions can be found here

cfa 436 manual secomms

Note and revisions for refence

1.0 – 12/2/22

All Districts  sorted 

All Districts  Cleaned up re named re grouped 

Add All Sites Trunk List To all Regions 

Re Name Chan /Talk groups – From RMR XXXX to Dispatch RMR xxxor the like 

Re Name all Districts to Show User IE CFA District xxx

Lock out – But not Remove all unused analog Chan’s old fire ground 

Un Avoid Wanted Services IE FRV Admin Training 

Rename FRV Dispatch From RMR xxx –  FRV Dispatch RMR XXX 

Rename UHF CB Group 

Rename HF CB Group 

1.1 – 13/2/22


Add Multi Agency Talk groups to every Region 

Add and re label an sort Chans /Talk groups in Region 8 as per region 8 comms plan 

To correctly show use and activate digital fire ground chans , 

Add Fire ground chans and private CB chans to Region 7  as per region 7 comms plan supplied form submission 

Activate DELFP /DSE Comms Chans in areas known to be active and listed as in use 


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